Eye Surgeries
Compare the best eye clinics and hospitals.
All eye diseases are treated by highly qualified ophthalmologists in specialized clinics.
Our comprehensive overview will help you to understand the costs, medical professionals and facilities. Our comprehensive overview will give you an idea of the costs, medical professionals, and facilities.
The availability and affordability of highly-skilled surgeons has made eye care in Turkey popular for many years.
You Can Have Access To One Of Europe's Leading Ophthalmologists.
Geographical location is important. Turkey is a popular destination for eye surgery. The vast majority of patients that travel to these locations adds to the experience of their patients and helps them understand international patient expectations.
It is cheaper to have the procedure performed abroad.
Cost of an eye test is cheaper in Turkey than it is in the US, UK and Australia. The cost of health care has increased in recent years. Costs of medical procedures are 40% to 50% lower abroad
Let’s find your perfect treatments!
Izmir Clinic provides quality eye treatment at affordable rates! Contact us today for a consultation in detail!
The treatment of eye conditions can be very different. The ophthalmological exam is performed at the start of every treatment. The ophthalmological examination determines if you have farsightedness or hyperopia, or if you are nearsighted. It also checks glaucoma risk, eye pressure, and squinting.
Laser surgery is one of the most popular and common treatments, as it can often eliminate all vision loss. This is followed by multifocals and cataract surgery in which the cloudy, opaque lens is removed and replaced with a synthetic lens. This surgery is typically performed on older adults with cataracts, which can cause blurred sight.
Corneal diseases often require a transplant and necrotic diseases usually involve vitrecto
We will then plan and arrange a comprehensive eye care package in Turkey to suit your individual preferences. We will ensure that you receive the best ophthalmologist available in Turkey.
Frequently Ask Questions
Turkey is a good destination for eye surgery because of its characteristics. The country is known for its high-quality medical services, experienced eye doctors and modern medical infrastructure.
Please refrain from wearing make-up and contact lenses prior to LASIK. We ask that patients who wear soft contact lenses stop wearing them 2 weeks before surgery. Patients wearing hard contacts or gas-permeable contacts should discontinue wearing them 3 weeks before.
In general, the chance of a complication that requires further treatment by laser, or other techniques, is about 1 in 1,000, provided there is no significant loss of vision. One in 10,000 people will experience a serious complication that could affect their vision, either in one or both eyes.
Most people experience little to no pain after or during cataract surgery.
In general, there isn't a limit or a specific number that LASIK can be performed. The size and thickness are the main factors in determining whether a person is eligible for LASIK surgery and increasing.