In Izmir Clinic accessible from, we seek to build a friendly environment for our readers/users. To get your comments approved in Izmir Clinic, you must follow some guidelines of our comment policy.

You are free to give your opinion and participate in the conversation, about how we can improve Izmir Clinic to give our best.

How to comment on Izmir Clinic?

The comment section in Izmir Clinic is always open (where we think is necessary) to comments and you are free to give your opinion. Still, the comments are moderated by the admin(s) at Izmir Clinic to check if it is spam/offensive.

Conversely, clinic reviews can only be made by Google reviews and patients who have been treated at the relevant clinic.

These are the points you should remember while commenting on Izmir Clinic:

  • You are to use your real identity (your email address and your name) and you are not allowed to use any temporary email address. If used, you may be subjected to be banned.
  • Read and Understand the whole article before giving your opinion.
  • Don't write offensive statements in the comments as your comment will end up in our spam/delete folder.
  • Always offer useful, constructive (not silly or ugly) criticism.
  • Befriending others leads to your conversation.
  • State your arguments, ideas, or problems clearly.

Policy for links in the comments

Our policy for using links in the comments has 2 main rules:

  • Rule: 1 Don't put any link(s) in the comments.
  • Rule: 2 Don't put any link(s) in the comments at all.

Our readers trust us and we don't want to break their trust ever we secure our readers from clicking on any spam links on Izmir Clinic. So, don't put spam links in the comments.

Why did your comment(s) has been rejected?

The reason for which your comment(s) on Izmir Clinic has been rejected because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • You have put spam links (promotional or personal).
  • You have said something offensive.
  • Shared misleading information.
  • comment is out of the context.
  • Racism and hate speech.
  • You did not use your real identity as mentioned before (email and name) or may have used temporary email.

We will not approve your comment(s) if we find any of the reasons mentioned above in your comment(s).

Our Comment Rights and liability on Izmir Clinic

  • Our Rights to Remove Comment : We have the right to edit, remove or delete your comment(s) in Izmir Clinic.
  • Our Liability: By posting your comment(s) on Izmir Clinic, you should not share any of your data like phone number, address, etc. You take full responsibility for your own opinion(s) and your contributions.

Keeping this all in mind, you can now proceed to the comment section of any article or treatment on Izmir Clinic and spread love.

If you have any doubt, contact us on

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