IDEA Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

IDEA Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic


IDEA Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic


Come Policlinico IDEA Oral and Dental Health, il nostro team comprende tre dentisti esperti che eccellono nei loro rispettivi campi. Ci dedichiamo a offrire servizi di salute dentale professionali, dinamici, innovativi e moderni. In qualità di medici specialisti che formano il nostro staff di fondatori, diamo priorità alla costruzione di relazioni a lungo termine e affidabili con i nostri pazienti grazie all'esperienza professionale e alla disponibilità accumulate.

Il nostro team comprende lo specialista Dt. Gamze Kavuncu, parodontologo e chirurgo gengivale, il dottorando Ali Can Yeni, lo specialista Dt. Can Metiner per i trattamenti odontoiatrici protesici ed estetici, e il PhD Müge Ali Metiner che si occupa di odontoiatria pediatrica. Insieme, formano il personale di base della nostra clinica.

Inoltre, gestiamo i trattamenti dei pazienti con l'esperienza dei nostri medici specialisti interni in trattamenti ortodontici ed endodontici, garantendo una guida e un'assistenza professionale.

Gamze Kavuncu (Specialist Dt.)
Can Metiner (Specialist Dt.)
Ali Can Yeni (Dt.)
Prosthetic Dentistry

Esperienza del paziente

  • #
    Brady O'Connell
    dicembre 28, 2022

    I am from San Diego, CA and needed to get an implant. Periodontist is very professional and process was great and timely. Highly recommended. The price when compared to US prices for the same procedure is similar to 20% of those costs. This is the pla

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    Gregory Dickey
    febbraio 20, 2023

    This dental clinic was absolutely amazing. I came here all the way from Chicago, United States with my wife. She had four implants done and I had numerous crowns and 2 bridges. Several dentists in the Chicago area quoted me over $20,000 for my work alone

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    navid Ahmed (Mehar)
    marzo 27, 2023

    I am from pakistan. I am very satisfied with the treatment and care I received from #idea clinic. I had RTC and filling done. The team was highly professional, caring, and attentive to my needs throughout my treatment. Your clinic's state-of-the-art facil

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    dicembre 20, 2023

    Best of the best! My choice of Idea Dental Clinic turned out to be the perfect choice! Outstanding as doctors, outstanding as ordinary people. They masterfully treated my teeth, the condition of which was very complicated. So difficult that several "recom

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    Karim Jetha
    gennaio 20, 2024

    I was recommended by a friend to this clinic. Fantastic experience with all the dentists who took personal care of me and saved me thousands. They have state of the art technology and took their time in my care

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